• @Whom@lemmy.ml
    162 years ago

    lemmy.ml’s sideboard thing:

    A community of leftist privacy and FOSS enthusiasts, run by Lemmy’s developers

    Lemmy (the software) has a separate, more general mission from Lemmy.ml (the instance).

    • @Tomat0@lemmy.ml
      22 years ago

      That aside, it happens to be the most active instance (since I’m assuming new users mistake it for a flagship rather than a personal instance), which means that the federated feed tends to be dominated by this instance’s slant.

      I think it’s a legitimate concern to be raised even if it’s not the admins’ fault. Working towards encouraging those who lean center/right to make their own spaces rather than dismissing the platform as a whole I think would be productive in the long-run.

      • @Whom@lemmy.ml
        42 years ago

        I figure it sets a good precedent even if it isn’t enforced on other instances. Even if it meant more popularity, I’d rather have a healthy lefty community than spread the software at all costs.

        If anything, I’d just like to have a more even distribution of leftists. M-Ls can be plenty cool and I don’t mind them being the most prominent, but I do find the all around dunking on anarchists to be obnoxious as hell, and how anarchists are constantly on the defensive as a result. The left is more than just M-Ls and the anarchists they mock, and I wish more of that was represented and we could be at each others’ throats less.

  • art
    142 years ago

    This particular instance was developed by leftists. The software itself is completely open source so you might be able to find an alternative instance but most of them federate with this instance.

  • @Tomat0@lemmy.ml
    102 years ago

    It’s just the nature of how it was founded and the sort of people who founded it. But yeah, look for other instances if its an issue, possibly look into starting your own if you’re willing to take up that responsibility. I think having spaces for other viewpoints would be great for the platform as a whole.

    • realcaseyrollins
      -12 years ago

      I’m on narwhal.city, a Lotide instance which can federate with Lemmy. I’m basically the only active user here and I lean right.

      There’s also the Lemmy instance wolfballs.com but it seems pretty far right at first glance.

      • @xarvos@lemmy.ml
        12 years ago

        I came back a few days ago and was surprised that most of the public timeline is from Lemmy

        • realcaseyrollins
          12 years ago

          Yeah we pull a fair amount of remote communities from lemmy instances, which all have more users that Lotide does

      • krolden
        2 years ago

        Pretty far removed I would say

        Wetodded should not be in the word filter. It had perfectly valid uses, like mine.

  • Jesse
    102 years ago

    I reckon there are more commies in the world than you think, but not a lot of places that are friendly to them.

  • @gun@lemmy.ml
    92 years ago

    Reddit kept giving my account bans and deleting subs I used, that’s why I’m here. Alternative social media platforms tend to draw extremists from all ends of the political spectrum.

  • SudoDnfDashY
    82 years ago

    Because Reddit bans commies, and Lemmy doesn’t. Due to it being federated.

  • Marxism-Fennekinism
    72 years ago

    The devs are communists. A lot of us were attracted to Lemmy instance because of that. Lemmy was also promoted in some communist communities, particularly as Reddit seems to be banning them.