So, this is interesting. I wanted to find that essay by outlining the many issues of Signal and suggested alternatives, but DuckDuckGo had nothing for me. Not on the first page, not on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th page.

I thought maybe I just imagined the title, but sure enough, on searching lemmy posts, it was right there. Then I thought “hang on, there’s hardly a mention let alone criticism of signal on any page of those search results!”.

Hmm… the wording might be a bit ambiguous, but let’s compare:

All of the following except Gigablast returned a healthy list of results including the original essay:

    • Apparently it takes results from Bing and Yahoo so no wonder it sucks. Funny, I was looking at the Wiki page and it says “DuckDuckGo does not show search results from content farms”. That’s gonna be a big X to doubt from me.

    • @rcbrk@lemmy.mlOP
      2 years ago

      I tried a couple more:

      …looks like DDG has an undocumented NOT operator, which for some reason is not deactivated when in a long quote, but is deactivated when the phrase is bracketed in quoted nothings. “” “”

      But still doesn’t quite explain how "why not signal" dessalines does return a result.

      “regex is hard”, I guess.

  • Moro
    82 years ago

    @rcbrk Yes, there’s something wrong. I’ve been using ddg for years but lately more and more often I have to use something else to find what I’m looking for.

    2 years ago

    Interesting. I got curious as to whether it was actually delisted or just that DuckDuckGo was bad at ranking results, so I tried searching a quote from the article:

    Signal became one of the first platforms to develop and use an end-to-end-encryption (E2EE) system and open standard, which many other platforms adopted or modified for their own use.

    And it did show Dess’s page as the first result at the time of posting this.

    Though, this doesn’t conclusively exonerate DDG, it’s still entirely possible that they really are intentionally ranking it down which is why it didn’t show up with a more general search term, or maybe it truly is just a bad relevancy-finding algorithm, but I guess it does prove that at least they haven’t removed it entirely. 🤷

  • Jama
    62 years ago

    Works for me, tho. HTML ddg put dessalines essay on first result

    2 years ago

    Yeah, DDG search results have left me disappointed in the recent months. Have you tried Searx?

    Edit: Why do I have this stupid habit of diagonally reading posts…

  • Black Xanthus
    69 months ago

    I thought I’d test this. I got the essay as the 4th result, the top 3 are about mobile phone signal, with the essay coming in as 4th.

    I use Vivaldi on Android. DDG has my location set to the UK.

  • Dessalines
    52 years ago

    Thanks for doing this work! I just tested it now, and same results: ddg doesn’t show my page while google does.

    My only guess is that ddg is completely removing pages that have links to sites they have on political blocklist.

      2 years ago

      See other comments though; It’s looking more likely that it’s just bugs in the parsing mixed with an undocumented not operator.

      Still a chance it’s bugs in the (hypothetical) downranking mixed with bugs in the parsing, but nothing conclusively demonstrates that yet.