• Dessalines
    92 years ago

    Google glass, these spying eyeglasses that google made a huge push for back in like 2015. Turns out even then nobody wanted google spying on everything they can see, and going out in public looking like a hailcorporate tool.

    • @morrowind@lemmy.ml
      32 years ago

      That was less so because of the privacy issues and more because they were very experimental but google billed them as viable. If google had stuck to it and fixed the issues I would argue they would be a bit of a thing today.

    • @X51@lemmy.ml
      32 years ago

      I am pretty sure that the head of our repair group was using some Google glasses for some motor repair training. The teachers were remote and the Google glasses were their eyes for reviewing the progress of the trainees.

    • @testingthis@lemmy.ml
      02 years ago

      Facebook is doing it now. In collaboration with Ray Ban. And they have even opened brand new brick and mortar storefronts around this.

          • @X51@lemmy.ml
            22 years ago

            It happens all the time. People don’t innovate from scratch. They take designs that work and tweak them for improvements. Eventually those improvements get repurposed for something else. The first mining truck inverter we built was just a tweaked and repurposed locomotive inverter. The last mining truck we built before handing of that product to another facility was the world’s first all electric mining truck.