• TWeaK
      -41 year ago

      Imagine offering yourself up for a circkejerk of up votes.

      You can’t make a legit comment without careful construction on this platform. After which, your meaning is easily misconstrued.

      That is to say, you aren’t down voted to oblivion, if your backspaces aren’t eaten up by unfavourable autocorrelation.

      • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
        61 year ago

        I’m unsure whether I understand. Are you trying to say that you have a reasoned argument as for why poor people don’t deserve nice things?

        • TWeaK
          1 year ago

          I’m not sure I understand my previous comment either, other than to say I was probably quite drunk when I made it.

          Edit: OK wait I’m gonna try and make sense of it.

          My first paragraph was a direct reply, saying how the top level comment was bullshit just circlejerking for upvotes against this one person that downvoted.

          My 2nd paragraph was about how there is a narrative being promoted by some users that dominate this place, merely because there is such a sparse amount of content.

          My 3rd paragraph was a criticism of the app I use, which has been pissing me off lately because when I hit backspace twice it removes the space between the word I’m editing and the previous word and generally confuses me, as well as autocorrect.

          Also I was indeed drunk. So I feel like beating the backspace and autocorrect issue is some kind of a triumph hah.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
        210 months ago

        I’m more of a fan of Universal Basic Services, because money shouldn’t really be part of the equation and it creates a tons of loopholes that can be exploited. Everyone should have basic needs guaranteed unconditionally. Food, shelter, healthcare, public transit, and education must be considered to be basic rights.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      310 months ago

      Wait till you find out how jobs work under capitalism. Your labour produces a certain amount of value, then your boss appropriates that and pays you back a tiny portion of it in form of wages.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      010 months ago

      Hilarious how the same people who do hand wringing about paying to ensure that everybody has their needs met go to work and hand over most of the value they create through their labour to their employer. 🤡