I got banned from reddit (honestly feel a lot better without it)

But I miss being able to answer stupid questions and relationship questions.

Lemmy is great, but why aren’t there that many people on here? I don’t get it.

An I using my filters wrong or something?

  • bkrl
    282 years ago

    I leaved Google and Reddit in last two days. Continue my devalleyzation (Silicon Valley).

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    172 years ago

    Also I think not having a huge amount of content is a drawback. Users are looking for that (including me).

      • Dochyo
        52 years ago

        I sort by “top day”, that seems to work fairly well for me… but I’m not very active either.

  • Inkie
    162 years ago
    1. Lemmy is newer than Reddit. Reddit has been up for over 15 years.
    2. Lemmy is a Reddit clone but less well known, thus, whatever advantages it has over Reddit, you can pretty much assume anyone who comes to Lemmy is someone who was on Reddit and saw some reason to leave. Or even still uses Reddit but is trying their hand here too. At least for now.
    3. Thus, the Lemmy userbase will, at least within the near future, be a small subset of current or former Redditors.
    • vxnxnt
      102 years ago

      The other day a public representative for a company withdrew their community the same day they created it due to the public backlash.

      This was probably Bitwarden on the Sopuli instance right? Could you perhaps share a link discussing this in detail?

      • @graphito@beehaw.org
        -12 years ago

        Lemmy is a software our instances are running on. Here are some instances:

        Lemmygrad is far left, communist instance, expressing pro US, against Russia and pro Ukraine position will swiftly get you banned

        Lenny.ml (where you are registered) is under strong influence of lemmygrad. Happens mostly with a little help of an admin who supports lemmygrad. Although it has fair share of non communists who are slowly realising my previous sentence.

        Wolfballs is right wing instance.

        Almost any other instance is much less directed towards politics, but ideologically either centrist, leftist or apolitical at all.

    • sátur
      82 years ago

      Just move to another instance or subscribe to politically neutral topics.

    • Ninmi
      2 years ago

      I would urge anyone on the verge of quitting Lemmy due to this to check out either beehaw.org or sopuli.xyz. There’s a (still small but) active effort in providing general instances and contributing general content in a less politically hostile environment.

    • m-p{3}
      2 years ago

      I just block the accounts that spam that kind of stuff, it’s like I’m gonna engage with them anyway so…

    • TimothyMcFuck OP
      -12 years ago

      I know! Like it’s annoying. If a question asks something like "who’s the worst person " there’s always some Donald trump comment. Like I came here for fun man

      • @pingveno@lemmy.ml
        32 years ago

        This user seems to have been banned from the instance for this comment with the reason “No trumpites allowed”. Could I get some clarification on how this decision is made? As far as I can tell, it was a totally arbitrary decision with no basis in the code of conduct. For that matter, they are not necessarily a Trump fan, since many people simply dislike how Trump-centric political discourse has become.

        • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
          22 years ago

          yeah it’s weird, they didn’t even get a warning? What kind of moderation is that??

          Also yeah the comment is somewhat ambiguous I think.

        • Pec
          12 years ago

          Also came to realize it just now. The log mentions ‘mod’ instead of ‘admin’ if any of that helps.

        • @kvjxq@beehaw.org
          -12 years ago

          Because the admins here are thin-skinned children who do not practice what they preach.

    • TimothyMcFuck OP
      -62 years ago

      I know! Like it’s annoying. If a question asks something like "who’s the worst person " there’s always some Donald trump comment. Like I came here for fun man

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    92 years ago

    We all were using reddit at some point without thinking about alternatives. Once thinking about alternatives, there are a lot of reddit alternatives out there.

  • Ratette (she/her)
    82 years ago

    I love how the people in this thread with the biggest issues with lemmygrad specifically are the people who got banned for bigotry or racism in some form when they came over and chatted shit.

  • @nachtigall@feddit.de
    82 years ago

    Chicken or the egg problem. Many people want a lot of (quality) content and diverse content comes from many people.

    • @mmhmm@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      This should be posted on the main page; it would help resolve people’s culture shock after leaving walled media gardens

    • xenith
      12 years ago

      More like if you dont like the 4 prolific posters’ personal take on communism. Lemmygrad gets so much hate because a few peoplewithj nothing better to do post 80% of the political content. Every collective (reddit) have their hive minds but Lemmygrad is like a small town church that prescribes exactly what you’re supposed to see and think. It’s pretty gross.

      • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Lemmygrad gets “hate” because we’re one of the most active instances and liberals cannot stand that communists are not only allowed to talk about communism, but that they actually get attention and activity. Deal with it.

        • xenith
          2 years ago

          Maybe that’s why you hate it but my annoyance is more at people who reflexively feel they win every argument by calling the other person a liberal because they don’t believe that the CCP is a corruption-free bastion of good will and a perfect example for the world to follow.

          You can be a communist and still legitimately criticize the CCP though you wouldn’t know it from the 4 people posting all the articles and leading every discussion at Lemmygrad

          Ehh… I just realized I don’t care. I was thinking about how sad it is that people post so prolifically and emphatically to the same 15 people while believing that they’re making a difference and fighting the good fight. Then I realized that arguing with them is equally as pointless. I mean this is the biggest thread I’ve ever seen on Lemmy and it’s about why it’s so unsuccessful. If people want to have a tiny club where they dictate their specific flavor of communism and call everyone else is a liberal, go for it. I’d call it an echo chamber but it’s too small - echoes need some space to generate. Lemmygrad is tiny little groups of people congratulating each other on believing the exact same thing and being obnoxiously insufferable to anyone whose opinions only match 98%. You’re cosplay revolutionaries. You change nothing and inspire no one but you sure feel like badasses while regurgitating the same lines to each other.

          I’m out

          • Ratette (she/her)
            12 years ago

            Make sure to slam the door on your way out otherwise people might not notice your little tantrum 😊

          • You don’t even know the actual name of the CPC and yet you have a strong opinion on it. Banger. Spoken like a true lib.

            Also love that you call us not even fit to be an echo chamber yet we are as big and active as lemmy.ml, your instance. Your anticommunism is showing.