Also, do you use disposable emails? What for?

I have a lot of emails made with simple login and I use the same one only for three websites. Then I get all emails forwarded to the same email, and an email for personal use (family, work, friends…) also forwarded to that one. So something like this:

o  o  o     o  personal
 \ | /    /
   |    /
   |  /
    82 years ago

    I use with my own domain and set up a catch-all so that all mails arrive in a single inbox. When I have to sign up somewhere I usually use their domain as the local part, e.g. That way I can easily identify who fucked up and can simply block all mails with that recipient.

    32 years ago

    Recently started using Anonaddy aliases + my old personal e-mail which it’s still used on more important sites and for personal emails. 😁

    Oh, right, there is also outlook for school 🙄

    32 years ago

    Yeah I use them for dumb things like signing up for games or other websites I don’t really trust. If they get breached or sell my data there’s less on the line

    32 years ago

    I use fastmail with several different domains associated.

    • Personal email shared with friends and family
    • Professional email - not my work but the one associated with my Linkedin and such

    I have a custom domain just for signing up to online services. For me, this domain is completely separate and I never use it for anything else. Like nachtigall, I use a naming scheme and a catch-all address. My naming scheme uses their domain plus a random bit like so, twitter.6cruzbms@mydomain.tld.

    There are two main benefits to using such a scheme imo. First, it’s harder for data aggregators to collate and cross reference me across the web by using an email address. Second, it acts as a hacked canary and it’s easy to identify the source of suspicious or problematic emails.

      12 years ago

      The random characters are a pretty good idea to increase security too. Without that part it is easy to figure out what address I use for each service. With the random bits it adds another unknown factor that should make brute force attacks slightly harder. Gonna adopt that too, thanks for the idea!

  • Lionel C-RA
    22 years ago

    I use one e-mail address for personal communication and one different address for each online registration.

    I use a self-hosted spamgourmet for that purpose that redirects all the e-mails to my personal one.

    Spamgourmet is super cool for that use as each e-mail is created on the fly and only accepts 3 e-mails by default. You can customize the number of accepted e-mails or trusted senders, …

    I sometimes use a spamgourmet address for people I don’t know or trust.

  • SudoDnfDashY
    22 years ago

    Protonmail for personal, danwin for blogging and Outlook (ew) for school.

    • Jesse
      32 years ago

      The grip M$ has on schools is so annoying. Everything we do is onedrive, office365, etc.

      • whysofurious
        32 years ago

        I had two experiences in higher education, one in UK where everything was Microsoft, and the current in Italy where everything is with Google and the Gsuite, jeez it’s like impossible to avoid any of that.

        • Jesse
          12 years ago

          Very good example of this. I forgot my older University used Google Suite for mostly everything.

    22 years ago

    I use throwaways sometimes for services that forces account creation. Otherwise I use the same email everywhere and make sure to not receive spam junk.

    While we’re at it, I got a little tip for you:

    You can put + after your username and whatever after. So if your email is You can put

    and the email will appear in your regular account. This way you’ll know macrohard has been doing shady things with your mail when you receive spam from this address.

    It also allows you to creat multiples accounts with one mail account if the service don’t prevent the trick.

  • art
    22 years ago

    I use Mailinator for most throw away emails. I still use my old Gmail for tax stuff, things related to bills and whatnot. My personal email is hosted on Posteo. My conversations with friends are the only thing I feel need to be kept from the 5 eyes.

  • whysofurious
    12 years ago

    I’m trying to separate mail accounts between stuff (online shopping, socials/casual, work, personal) to see how it goes. Most of them go through a single client anyway but at least I know which account I have to read right away and which I can skip for a day or two. I’m going with ProtonMail for personal (banking, health, etc.), infomaniak for general use, and gmail (sigh) for work

    For sites that I don’t trust and some newsletters I use aliases with SimpleLogin.

    12 years ago

    I’m using whenever I can, for non-temporary stuff I use SimpleLogin forwarded to my private e-mail address which I also use for personal contacts