My current task is to improve the Lemmy documentation, particularly to explain things better for people who are new to Lemmy and the Fediverse. For this I would like to know if there are any things that were unclear when you first joined (or even still unclear now).

To give you some idea, these are the pages which I plan to write for the first section, with average users in mind:

  • Getting started (choose an instance, register, follow, setup profile, start posting)
  • What is federation
  • Moderation
  • Censorship resistance
  • Votes and ranking
  • Media (Markdown, images, links)
  • Other features (theming, language tags, …)

Besides this I also plan to improve other parts of the documentation, to add things like documentation for the HTTP API (currently only exists for websocket), a guide to run Lemmy with TOR, and explanation of community/site options. Is there anything else where documentation is missing or requires clarification?

By the way, just like other parts of Lemmy the documentation is open source, and you are welcome to open pull requests with improvements.

    31 year ago

    For this I would like to know if there are any things that [are] still unclear now.

    I’m registered on Lemmygrad. Lemmygrad and Lemmy are federated, I see this post. How come I can’t see all communities? Is that Lemmygrad’s decision? Is that something I could override with a different Lemmy client, but without having to register in the instance?
    As reference, the community librewolf is not accessible from

    • @nutomic@lemmy.mlOP
      51 year ago

      Communities are not federated to other instances by default, you need to fetch them first. So you can paste ! (or the community url) in the search bar on lemmygrad. Then lemmygrad will fetch the community from, and you can interact with it normally.

        51 year ago

        Do any mechanisms exist for letting users discover communities on other instances? Especially brand new ones.

        • @nutomic@lemmy.mlOP
          21 year ago

          No, and I think this might be a bad idea. It would be necessary to federate all communities from all instances, including posts and comments. Thats a lot of data which needs to be stored forever.