• @Whom@lemmy.ml
    162 years ago

    lemmy.ml’s sideboard thing:

    A community of leftist privacy and FOSS enthusiasts, run by Lemmy’s developers

    Lemmy (the software) has a separate, more general mission from Lemmy.ml (the instance).

    • @Tomat0@lemmy.ml
      22 years ago

      That aside, it happens to be the most active instance (since I’m assuming new users mistake it for a flagship rather than a personal instance), which means that the federated feed tends to be dominated by this instance’s slant.

      I think it’s a legitimate concern to be raised even if it’s not the admins’ fault. Working towards encouraging those who lean center/right to make their own spaces rather than dismissing the platform as a whole I think would be productive in the long-run.

      • @Whom@lemmy.ml
        42 years ago

        I figure it sets a good precedent even if it isn’t enforced on other instances. Even if it meant more popularity, I’d rather have a healthy lefty community than spread the software at all costs.

        If anything, I’d just like to have a more even distribution of leftists. M-Ls can be plenty cool and I don’t mind them being the most prominent, but I do find the all around dunking on anarchists to be obnoxious as hell, and how anarchists are constantly on the defensive as a result. The left is more than just M-Ls and the anarchists they mock, and I wish more of that was represented and we could be at each others’ throats less.