Some of the planned blackouts will be temporary, others plan to shut their subreddits down indefinitely in protest.

    811 months ago

    The load issues are because of users directly connecting to Federation isnt using many resources, so its best if users spread out across different instances.

      411 months ago

      What does it take to spin up an instance and federate? Can I just grab a docker image and go with some cloud Linux instance? What resources are we looking at for what headcount of users / level of engagement? (ie, posts and or connections per minute, etc)

      • SpoilerTV
        411 months ago

        @whitehatbofh @nutomic

        I run a small instance for a few of our staff and a couple of rss/bot accounts.

        I use a small DigitalOcean droplet that installs the software automatically. Very easy to run with a small number of people.

        Running on a very small server. 4 GB Memory / 80 GB Disk . Works well.

        I might not be your best example though

    • Geronimo Wenja
      211 months ago

      Thanks for the confirmation, glad to not be adding more than my fair share.