Hello, How much does a small matrix server that I and my friends can use cost on average? I will also set up Whatsapp, Signal and Discord bridge on the server.

  • Helix 🧬
    1 year ago

    How does that compare to Dendrite?

    Synapse uses 5-10x less RAM than it used to

    That’s impossible. Maybe it uses 1/5th or 1/10th of the RAM. But if you use 5 times less, that is 500% less, which would amount to Synapse downloading the system 4 times more RAM than it used to use.

    • ptman
      11 year ago

      Yeah, it’s an unfortunate expression, but not mine, so I didn’t edit when quoting.

      Dendrite is still trying to reach spec compliance. IIUC they haven’t spent much effort on optimizing resource use.