As a poor person, maybe most useful advice for other poor people is water bottles. Tap water is colder than the air so I try to keep a plastic water bottle in my hand or pressed against my skin and it helps a lot.

If anyone is in a bind, post your situation and we/I will try to come up with a simple enough solution. My irl qualifications might be useful for the first time online lol: I was homeless for 2 months and have been poor af for my whole life, so i’ve had to ghetto innovate a lot of stuff.

      12 years ago

      One similar to this:

      The only “important” part is that it has a fabric exterior, so that the ice doesn’t “burn” you. But any is good.

      Also, don’t over fill it, ice expands and can make it explode in the freezer

      • @sascuach@lemmy.mlOP
        12 years ago

        Shouldnt it ideally have some kind of thing that lets me keep it against my body when walking? Bc in winter

          12 years ago

          That would be pretty awesome, I don’t know if that exists though. When I’m outside I just use layers, tbh, this is more of a “at home” or “at work” thing.

          But if you don’t care too much about what other people think, you can directly throw it under your shirt, they are not that heavy

          • @sascuach@lemmy.mlOP
            2 years ago

            other people think, you can directly throw it under your shirt,

            I was doing this the other day. I kept on forgetting it was in my shirt and when I stood up it fell out. Tips for this?

            Off the top of my head, I can imagine a pantyhose holder scarf thing

              12 years ago

              No idea honestly, I guess it depends on your specific model… The best I can think is tying two together (they usually have a hanging hole on one end) and throwing it over your shoulder