I don’t use deoderant; I don’t feel the difference and I never really cared much about my smell; but my parent keeps bringing it up and it’s annoying.

Also, what’s wrong with smell? Human smells differ anyway.

  • Graveyard Leprechaun
    1012 years ago

    Your parent keep bringing it up because your smell is offensive. They’re trying to help you learn the things that will help you get a job, or have friends, or go on dates. In short, they’re being a parent. Help them help you.

      • @lordofbud@lemmy.ml
        352 years ago

        That’s not the point, and one’s offensive smell is a massive barrier to employment.

        I really don’t understand people like you.

          • @darth_helmet@sh.itjust.works
            99 months ago

            The dose makes the poison. A little scent can be nice, but it needs to be a hint. The problem is that most folks seem to think they need to overpower all other smells in every room they’re in. That’s offensive for sure.

            • daed
              29 months ago

              I have learned the best way to put on perfume is to spray it so thin, that other people can only smell it when they hug you. That’s a special and intimate moment for them then.

        • @Stoned_Ape@lemmy.ml
          -102 years ago

          one’s offensive smell is a massive barrier to employment

          Of course. I know. Everybody knows. I’m simply suggesting that something being a fact isn’t making it okay or good.

          I really don’t understand people like you.

          What kind of person do you think I am?

          • @MerchantsOfMisery@lemmy.ml
            2 years ago

            What kind of person do you think I am?

            A contrarian who would rather play these stupid games instead of helping a comrade out by recognizing a problem they have and giving good advice? You’re not helping here, you’re just enabling poor hygiene because you’re way too preoccupied with playing the devil’s advocate.

            You said

            Are you doing everything that will better your chances at getting a job or a date?

            in response to someone saying

            They’re trying to help you learn the things that will help you get a job, or have friends, or go on dates. In short, they’re being a parent. Help them help you.

            Notice how you conveniently left out the part about this helping to get a person friends? Instead, you fixated on them being hygienic only for the sake of getting a job or dates. Why did you do that? Surely you understand the importance of hygiene in relation to making/having friends-- something extremely important for one’s mental health?

            Stop playing this game. It especially sucks because you’re playing this contrarian game when someone in a bad situation is basically asking for a reality check, but instead of giving them a reality check you’re just entertaining/enabling their incorrect beliefs.

            • @Stoned_Ape@lemmy.ml
              02 years ago

              I give up. You are simply waaaaay to ingrained with trodden paths to be able to look left or right. You only know forwards, and any deviation feels like an insult to you. I don’t have a problem with every form of conservatism, but the one that can’t explain itself and simply does things because they were “always” done is dangerous.

              I know that you are sure that you’re progressive and shit, but you’re not. You are hung up in old ways that you don’t question, and hate on those who do.

              By the way, I have a buddy who doesn’t use deo. It’s okay for me. It stinks a bit when he comes, but I forget about after a few moments, and from then on it’s okay. He asked once if it is okay for me, and I replied that it is, and that I think it is cool that he does what he wants despite social pressure.

              And you’re suggesting that this is wrong?

              • @MerchantsOfMisery@lemmy.ml
                22 years ago

                Translation: "I don’t mind if people fart in my presence, in fact I have a friend who farts near me and I think it is cool that he just does what he wants despite social pressure. Are you suggesting that this is wrong?"

                • @Stoned_Ape@lemmy.ml
                  12 years ago

                  Dude. Are you seriously suggesting that people can’t be fine with farts or something?

                  I never thought that people THIS square would be found on Lemmy.

                  • @MerchantsOfMisery@lemmy.ml
                    32 years ago

                    “Wow you don’t think people who stink are cool? You don’t think they’re rebels against societal pressure? What a square!”

                    Ok now I’m done replying to you and your foolishness in this thread. I think you misinterpreted what leftists meant when we talk about revolting.

      • Graveyard Leprechaun
        252 years ago

        Well, I’m both employed and happily married, but you can bet if my boss or my wife told me I needed to use deodorant, I wouldn’t argue with them. C’mon, man.

        • @Stoned_Ape@lemmy.ml
          -32 years ago

          Are you doing it just with that example (deodorant), or with anything else as well? That was my question. If you’re not doing that, it would be interesting for me to explore the differences, and why you wouldn’t do other things with your body when others are requesting it.

          • Graveyard Leprechaun
            102 years ago

            If it’s a matter of hygiene, then I would listen. If it’s a matter of personal taste, then I would see whether I share their taste. It’s pretty simple, really. I don’t want to be offensive, so that tends to be my compass.

          • Pax
            12 years ago

            i might get downvoted, but i think it’s a valid question. however, i think most people are, which makes it a bit of a strange question. i think it might be better in its own thread.

        • erpicht
          62 years ago

          Telling of what? It’s unclear what the point of your previous comment is and as it stands, it is unhelpful.

          • @Stoned_Ape@lemmy.ml
            22 years ago

            No. Why would I? This post and the votes show that there are different opinions for multiple people. So why would I think that this is literally “me vs everyone else”?

            Do you think that this is the case?

            • @MerchantsOfMisery@lemmy.ml
              22 years ago

              I think the downvotes are telling that your opinion is absurd and very weird.

              “My friend stinks and I thin it’s cool that he stinks and doesn’t care about society” is basically your argument here. Lay off the pipe, I’m all for smoking weed but you’ve smoked yourself stupid if you really believe the nonsense you’re spewing in this thread.

              • @Stoned_Ape@lemmy.ml
                22 years ago

                You really got me wrong. This is the interpretation most people here express, and that’s not how it is. Neither for me, nor my friend. Quite the opposite.

                • @MerchantsOfMisery@lemmy.ml
                  22 years ago

                  You literally said your friend stinks and that you think it’s cool that he cool that he does what he wants despite social pressure.