cross-posted from:

Figured we’d start this community off with a question about what you’re running in your homelab!

This could be anything from hardware to software to things your running in the cloud (#cloudlab).

Hardware and diagram pics are always welcome!

  • luckless
    311 months ago

    How do you secure your lemmy instance on your home network? I’m interested in doing it but I’m unsure if a reverse proxy would be good enough security. My other public facing services run behind traefik and authelia, but I figure you wouldn’t want lemmy behind any auth for ease of use.

      11 months ago

      Mostly I am depending on reverse proxy yes.

      Otherwise there’s not critical data on the box that could cause a problem for me if the server was owned and everything exfiltrated. Worst case if I had to completely wipe the box it would be annoying but not worse then that.