Some of the planned blackouts will be temporary, others plan to shut their subreddits down indefinitely in protest.

    11 months ago

    I support the blackouts, and I’m happy to see some of the larger subreddits starting to join, but I highly doubt this will change the API policy. The Reddit administration knew they were committing to a destructive course of action; they are not stupid, they’re pursuing an aggressive, purposeful corporate monetization strategy. That said, I do hope more major subreddits speak out, and I think the 48-hour blackout will open some users’ eyes to Reddit’s questionable philosophy.

      11 months ago

      I agree with this. Pretty sure Reddit has already done their share of research on the possible backlash and figured it was still profitable. I highly doubt they’d change their mind now.

      My experience here has been great, tbh. Much less toxicity than on Reddit. I’m missing a few subs I frequented there and the app needs some work, but at least there’s no big corporation telling me what to do.

        1611 months ago

        I’m in the same boat as you in regards to Reddit; there are certainly some niche places that I will miss but there are already good alternatives growing. I’m taking this opportunity to both re-evaluate how I engage with the internet and take the time to choose communities that better align with my values.

        • animist
          1011 months ago

          Yeah I’m planning to just buy extra server space and start my own instance. I’d love to see the fediverse grow

          711 months ago

          I can’t agree more. I sincerely hope this lasts. Whatever happens, though, I don’t think I’ll be leaving. Regardless of what happens to reddit.

        1111 months ago

        Much less toxicity than on Reddit.

        This. The 2016 US presidential election attracted an awful lot of awfully hateful people to Reddit, and they’ve been there pushing my buttons ever since.

          611 months ago

          Around then I feel is when spam bots on the site started to become really rampant too. I could be mistaken though

      611 months ago

      Even more so, I agree with @tangentism’s thought in this post “It’s great that subs and users are organising to fight this but maybe Reddit should be allowed to carry out this change and metaphorically shoot itself in the face? This is just the latest in a long horrifying series of policies that the admins have pushed through, actions they have failed to take, or when they finally did, it was long after the horse had bolted.”

      If Reddit would backstep from this change somehow, then the rare opportunity of change will close shortly. Reddit just needs to push this through and hopefully it’ll burn itself down.