• @IndeterminateName@beehaw.org
    1211 months ago

    I really love what framework are doing, if I was in the market for a £1000+ laptop I’m not sure I would look anywhere else. Hackability, upgradeability and repairability are going to be so important going forward.

    • @OsrsNeedsF2P@lemmy.ml
      911 months ago

      Framework is definitely going to be my next laptop. Every time I’ve changed laptops, it’s been because one thing failed. Usually the battery. With Framework I’ll just be able to replace (or upgrade) each component as my heart desires.

      If I sound like a shill, it’s because I probably am. I’ve been very excited for my current System76 laptop to die so I can finally have a reason to buy Framework.

      • Geronimo Wenja
        211 months ago

        My last laptop died because I pushed the screen a touch further back than it was meant to go. The hinges were glued to the lid apparently, and that adhesive gave way.

        I am so frustrated that I can’t just buy a replacement top for it that I decided to just bite the bullet and deal with not having a laptop until Q3 when my AMD framework will now ship. I can’t wait.

    • @catacomb@beehaw.org
      611 months ago

      I was so tempted but as I had gaming as a secondary purpose, I ended up getting a laptop within budget with a good enough card. It saved me buying a new console.

      As a Fairphone user, this laptop would be the perfect complement. Maybe next time.