I’m running Firefox 109 with arkenfox (mostly default settings). When I try and connect to lemmygrad.ml, I’m given an SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN error. Once I create an exception, I can use the website like normal. Is this something going on in the backend of things or are my browser settings just too high?

Note: lemmy.ml doesn’t have this issue, I can connect with no warning about certificates.

  • Arthur Besse
    1 year ago

    It looks to me like both lemmy and lemmygrad are using very similar LetsEncrypt certificates, so I don’t see why any browser would trust one and not the other. Perhaps someone is actually performing an MITM attack?

    Probably unrelated, but I just noticed that all .ml domains are currently failing to resolve via google’s including the registry’s root servers ({a,b,c,d}.ns.ml., which I currently see as 185.21.1{68..71}.1 via cloudflare’s and another server I tried).

    Everything else I’ve tried is working; just google is not resolving anything under .ml. ()