if I have communications with someone through the internet with a homeserver. I would inevitably give out my IP address. Is that a bad thing? In my country they don’t have services like that, RTCing would be a bit sluggish using available euro servers.

    • ierOP
      02 years ago

      I’ve already quit trying to be invisible, I thought doing so would make my life easier but the opposite happened. I kept trying to find ways that are almost impossible to do. Things I want to do by nature is publicly involved.

      So the IP just reveals general area of location, correct? Is there anything I want to worry about in my case?

        • @Fisch@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          And .de domains don’t show that information publicy but you still need to provide it, in case you’re doing something illegal and the police needs to know who you are

          • ierOP
            12 years ago

            Thanks for the tip. Next time please tag me so I don’t miss the message.