Is there “A Mod of Ice and Fire” for this yet?

    1 year ago

    Is there “A Mod of Ice and Fire” for this yet?

    You’re in luck, it just released, as of now there are two boomarks for Robert Rebellion and soon after. Mod is perfectly playable but still pretty barebones, lacks dragons, no Essos, etc. It isn’t upgraded for Tournament DLC though and won’t be in a long time probably, but it will be worth it since the DLC is actually great and just like tailor made for that particular setting putting a lot of importance on knighthood. Also it’s based way more on books than on show if you wonder.

    It’s in steam workshop and also available for separate download, name is (unsurprisingly) “A Game of Thrones”

    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      21 year ago

      I’ve been unimpressed with the pirated versions of CK3 when it launched, I tried it again a little bit when the courts update came, but haven’t kept up with it since. Only really considering buying it if it starts catching up to CK2 content wise or if the workshop finally gets up to scratch. Would you say its there yet?

        1 year ago

        No, the release of content is pretty slow, thate was barely anything for 2 years. Fortunately game survived and it’s now speeding up, season 2 is 4 DLC of which first one is already released and its great.

        Also, it’s not going the same route as CK2, it’s much more robust in basic systems. If you consider mods i would say it’s already much better than CK2 imo, though still pretty much less in content.

        That is to say, that i was generally very unimpressed with CK2 DLC’s