I’m currently working on re-evaluating our search engine selection (reading privacy policies and all that good stuff), to see what to keep, remove, maybe add. I figured I might use some input from lemmy.

  • what do you use out of the ones we include? is anyone actually using search engines like qwant and metager?
  • do you add any search engine to librewolf?

if you’re curious bout my notes on this -> https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/settings/-/issues/111

  • @DPUGT2@lemmy.ml
    32 years ago

    I’m using DDG. I try to like it, but it’s just so bad. Occasionally I have to switch back to Google to find things… except that Google 2022 is not the same as Google 2015. Google 2015 was almost supernaturally good, I could find anything. Google 2022, even ignoring its own self-censorship is nearly as bad as DDG… and I’m not sure if it’s that they give bad search results because they earn more money advertising that way, or if there is some other strategy (or even incompetency) involved.

    • @joonazan@lemmy.ml
      02 years ago

      My theory is that Google search is optimized for the average user who probably wants to see what’s popular instead of exactly what he asked for. And disturbing search results should be avoided too because they upset people and upset people will browse the internet less.