• sj_zero
    32 years ago

    I mean, there are standardized tools. X has been around since 1984, and alsa has been around since 1998, pulseaudio since 2004.

    “but I don’t like those tools, I want to use these other ones instead!” – Exactly. The point of the bazaar is to pick and choose what tools to use, and the may the best one win until it dies or we find something better.

    Does that make things more complicated? Well, it can. OTOH, I’ve got a pretty complicated multi-server setup running right now, and a shocking number of problems are solved by going “$Problem on Ubuntu 20.04”, whereupon someone has already laid out the exact commands to run to solve your problem.

    It isn’t like windows is standardized. To set the IP address properly, I can’t use the settings app because it’s been broken for years. I instead need to go to the windows 2000 version of the network adapter settings using a constantly changing maze of button clicks.