
We have a lot to show since the 0.7.0 release! This release, care has been taken to ensure real hardware is working, i686 support has been added, features like audio and preliminary multi-display support have been enabled, and the boot and install infrastructure has been simplified and made more robust. I highly recommend skimming through the changes listed below before jumping into the images, if you want more details.

  • Helix 🧬
    11 year ago

    From the book:

    We are not a Linux clone, or POSIX-compliant, nor are we crazy scientists, who wish to redesign everything. Generally, we stick to well-tested and proven correct designs. If it ain’t broken don’t fix it.

    That almost sounds sane! Refreshing to see a project which doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel.

    • serenityOP
      11 year ago

      Agreed. And the developer is a System76 Engineer and Pop!_OS Maintainer.

      I’ve tried the new ISO image on real hardware, and that was fine, except that I have no supported NIC for network. I guess in the future when Redox OS has better USB support I can try again with a NIC adapter for USB.

      • Jonny
        11 year ago

        I’m looking forward to test too, is the performance better compared to the Linux kernel?

  • serenityOP
    11 year ago

    @ravermeister@lemmy.rimkus.it I’m looking forward to test too, is the performance better compared to the Linux kernel?

    I’ve only booted from USB flash drive, and I think it did not make much difference with booting Linux from USB. The amount of apps is very minimal. In that regard Haiku OS has much more choice.

    (Your comment is visible on Lemmy.ml but on the instance I use. Commenting like this, hope that is fine)