“The society’s goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life and abuses of state power”.

They seemed like good people.

  • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
    42 years ago

    They were capitalist conspirators preparing the way for the capitalist revolutions over the monarchies. Modern society came from such revolutions such as the French and American revolutions. A lot of horror is whitewashed away as well. This culminated with the Paris Commune where the people rightly felt that the above promises of modernity were betrayed by the bourgeoisie, that the proletariat was given the very short end of the stick. Karl Marx was involved with the Paris Commune. His master work Das Capital, a Critique on Capital, spends a great deal of it’s time accounting the horror imposed on the people as they were proletarianized. The volumes are terrifyingly relevant today.

    Understand that what you’re referring to above are historically relating to those things with regard to monarchy. Monarchy is a great evil. Understand also that the bourgeoisie who wrote these things along with the declaration of indepence and so on were not altruists and had no intention of living up to their rhetoric. With one side of their mouth they would lambast the abuses of the monarchy, all true; while with the other side of their mouth they would impose their own particular mechanisms of state violence on the working masses to keep them in their place.