• @joojmachine@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Issues are issues, even if they don’t look like issues on your end.

      • I hate anticheat as much as the next person, but it needs to work, since companies refuse to stop using those, and the average “competitive FPS gamer” won’t care if the company decided to not update the anti-cheat version to support Linux, all they’ll see is that the game they want to play doesn’t work (which happened and got into Luke’s relationship with his friends);
      • Also having a couple specific games that are difficult/impossible to run is also a fucking pain in the ass (and I say that as someone who has dealt with this a lot before). You spend hours looking for a way to make the game run when on Windows all you’d need to do is hit “play”;

      You should try having basic empathy for other people.

      • @pinknoise@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        anticheat […] needs to work

        Anticheat is like DRM, it can’t work by design if you own the machine it runs on. It’s just wastes power for nothing, why should anyone spend the effort to get it running?

        You spend hours looking for a way to make the game run when on Windows all you’d need to do is hit “play”;

        Is this a Linux bug or a shortcoming of the publisher?

        • aks
          2 years ago

          Unfortunately people like to cheat. Cheating ruins multiplayer games and drives people away from playing the game, no matter how fun it is. Thus the need for rat-race called anticheats.

          However! We already had solution for this: Dedicated servers. If there was a cheater on the server, you could just yell on IRC that who is cheating and someone would come to ban the asshat. It worked way better than anticheats.

          And im not the person you replied to but:

          Is this a Linux bug or a shortcoming of the publisher?

          Definitely not Linux fault. It’s the good ol chicken-egg fault, no gamers so no games so no gamers bla bla. But I feel like this is finally changing. Proton is the first step, I think. Hopefully it keeps up.

    • @Thann@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      I remember when we would just vote-ban ppl who were cheating 😩

      But now, most game companies want you to play on their servers, so they can control everything, and make sure you buy their microtransations instead of installing mods…